"Chiwiyi ndendaviwonepo ine vyamutundu uwu"one of the chintheche natives lamented, meaning to say since he was born he has never seen and experienced such a thing happening.earlier this month, part of chintheche community had experienced some floods of which it has been something which has left the natives of the society their mouths agapy.

The rains have been good in most areas in the northern region of the country of Malawi, but as it was said by the Malawi metrological service that it would be a shortest rainy season, it is not the case as nkhatabay as whole and some of Northern districts still receives huge rains.This has led to floods of which have affected over 300 households in the area, Traditional authority Malanda.

These households affected would rather be helped by the Malawi government,non governmental organisations and some well wishers with food,shelter clothing as well as the beddings themselves since they have no homes and they were camping in established centres around there which also affected the society's functions.

It is believed that the floods are the result of climate change.Therefore on a sad note there is a danger of hunger to hit the society since their crops have been washed away by the floods.

It is not only Nkhatabay experiencing these floods, Karonga district also experienced the same floods this month earlier and again in the north of Nkhotakota district which is a central region district (dwangwa specifically)also earlier last month had experienced the same floods which also had destroyed alot of infrastructure including Roads, shop buildings, homes and their crops of which they were already ready to dry so as people could have harvested.

On the other hand which is contradicting,whilst the northern region is experiencing these floods ,the southern region is experiencing droughts in several districts.Though the government of Malawi still hope that the country will have a better harvest this farming season,it doesn't correlate with this scenarios.The ministry of agriculture implemented the mega-farms project of which some of these farms are revamped and again it has reactivated the Agricultural Development and Marketing Cooperation (ADMARC) so as it resume it's duties as one of the ways to cope up with this hunger danger.

It was like the folktales when we could hear something like"climate change",therefore this is a call that we have to wake up because IT'S NEVER TOO LATE",we have to join hands to mitigate this global problem.As one of the native ,who seems to be in his 40's lamented that he has never seen floods since his childhood in his community,it is indeed a strange thing and it has to be dealt with an urgent consideration.

It is not only the government's responsibility but also the non governmental organisations,and every individual to take part in all forms of mitigating these natural disasters for a better social change hence sustainability in development.

Alot has already happened for the past three years therefore social cohesion is the only solution.


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